
Urgup In Cappadocia

When I was searching for accommodation in Cappadocia, the choice was between Urgupand Goreme. I finally settled on the latter  but still had to go to Urgup for the day to see why my good friend Brenda Farrell loved it so much and recommended it for accommodation.

What is the difference?

Both of them have their own unique vibes but within half an hour I had spotted the unique character of Urgup and why it attracts a different type of traveler.  Goreme is more for backpackers, youngsters and those on a budget.  The restaurants are cheaper and bars have western names such as The Flintstones Café and Fatboys.
Urgup is a bit more upmarket. In the town square are cafes that remind you of a Mediterranean afternoon.  People sit for hours drinking cappuccinos and gossiping with their friends while life goes on around them. The shops in Urgup are a brand name with an organized disciplined look.
Cappadocia Urgup


I spent the afternoon wondering around Urgup and went up to the viewpoint at the top of the highest hill. This gives you a full 180 degree view over the town. There is a café at the top and if you are nostalgic, they have photos of Urgup going back over 70 years.
urgup cappadocia turkey

Eating Out

I also had my evening dinner in the town and want to recommend the best restaurant in Cappadocia. I ate out every evening while I was in Cappadocia but the meal served by The Han Ciragan Restaurant in Urgup was the best.
It was not cheap however the price was reflected in the taste and atmosphere of the restaurant. If you are traveling on a budget, get fed up of eating cheap kebabs and want to blow your money, then that is the restaurant to head to.
cappadocia turkey urgup
I was left with a good lasting impression of Urgup. It is a place to consider if you are looking for accommodation in Cappadocia. I wouldn’t say it was better than Goreme as each of them have their own special character and vibes.
turkey urgup

urgup cappadocia
urgup turkey
Readers – If you are going to Cappadocia for a holiday, check out my other posts below on what to see and where to go.

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